Harper a Devil with a Crucifix.

Ah the taxing of income trusts. It seems that Mr. Harper needs to encounter the very issue that gave him the keys to 24 Sussex to begin with. Not to mention the fact that he his raising taxes, which would make him a "Liar". If those individuals who would degress with this statement, Mr. Harper called Dalton McGuinty that very same name during the 2004 Election, when Mr. McGuinty inherited "Enronesque" books from Eves-Harris and had to put through the health care premiumn. Also how convinient, that the individual who was mostly responsible for those voodoo books, now has the same job in Ottawa, Mr. Flaherty.

Of course my wonderful musings appear on a Gestapo type of page called "Canadian Blog Exchange" that lump all comments that do not show Mr. Harper in a positive light into one bundle, so his supporters can flood the page with comments defending their hero.

I am sure those comments will include that the Liberals were corrupt, and we are better off with Harper, or Liberals promised to cut the G.S.T. A little review. The cutting of the G.S.T. was never a major platform in the 1993 campaign. Furthermore the government was about to scrap the G.S.T. when a report came out that it would create a massive budget short fall, and the consumer would be gouged by the retailer and not receive any savings. The solution was the "G.S.T. Credit" that put money directly in people's pockets, instead of going to the retailer.

And of course almost identical reports told Harper to just increase the G.S.T. credit instead of cutting the tax, because it would create again "A budget short fall". They were ignored in favour of keeping the cheap carnival side show promise, and low an behold what did it create? A budget short fall.

And where is Judy Wasalewhatever with her jumping up and down on an airport runway calling the Conservatives corrupt for misleading Canadians???????????????


At 6:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know the Liberal opposition has nothing to stand on when, as this CP headline puts it: “Opposition asks prime minister to apologize for flip on income trusts”. It’s their way of opposing the Conservatives decision to change income trust tax laws without really opposing it. There’s no demand that Harper not push the changes ...

At 7:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why are the Liberals upset about the Income Trust issue?

It came as a total surprise, and they were thus unable to warn their rich friends about it like in December last year when their friends made million from ordinary people by receiving prior warning.

At 8:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why wouldn't they be opposed. They put through the tax cut, and guess what, ordinary people have these things including myself.

December 2nd, you can say all you want about the Liberals, until then it's not applicable.

Harpocrits, you gotta love'em!

At 1:31 PM , Blogger Vicky said...

I'll make sure to carry a vial of holy water with me to Parliament Hill...


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