Party Could Become More Grassroots with an Igantieff Victory.

One problem that has plagued the Liberal Party since Trudeau was Prime Minister more so than leadership infighting, was the lack of influence the party's grassroots members had in decision making. This culminated in a blow up on the floor of the party's 1982 policy convention, and was instigated by individuals who are now major decision makers in the party today. All respect to those individuals who took part in 1982, the party never learned from that experience.

There is an exception. Prior to the 1993 election, the Alymer Conference took place, followed by the 1992 Biennial Meeting in which the party's grassroots voted on what became the "Red Book". The "Red Book" would catapult the party to victory in 1993, and set the standard for future campaigns. This concept was short lived, as the policy for the next four elections came directly from the leader's office.

The problem that the party has had is concentration in the leaders office, too much power in the hands of unelected officials, and a general intolerance to the party as a whole. It began after Trudeau nearly lost the 1972 election, and future leaders vowed to remove this system, but instead it got even worse.

Of the front runner leadership candidates, Michael Ignatieff enjoys the most support among the party's rank and file, but not necessarily among the old guard. That title belongs to Bob Rae. Rae is strongly supported by the party's decision makers from the Trudeau, Turner, Chretien and Martin years. Stephane Dion also enjoys support from these individuals as well. Even Gerard Kennedy and Scott Brison have supporters from these camps. Ignatieff has these people in his campaign, including Ian Davey the son of Keith Davey "The Rainmaker" and Liberal Party backroom legend, but for the most part Ian has not followed his father's path until now, and has only become involved in Liberal politics in recent years. Francis Fox and Denis Coderre have long been major forces in Quebec Liberal politics, but for the most part Ignatieff supporters are life long back bench M.P.s, riding presidents and organizers that have long been shut out of the major decision making in the party. It is far more likely that they will be more involved in the make up of policy and direction under his leadership, while a Rae or Dion leadership could simply return decision making back to the smoke filled rooms. (Several cigar aficionados support Rae, but that is no coincidence)

Now concentrating power in the PMO and Leader's office has produced electoral success for the most part, but in the end the party has suffered in the long term. With politics changing, and the Harper Government adopting a closed door approach to governing, an Ignatieff leadership will not only give more power to the Liberal Party , but for ordinary Canadians as well, and encourage more people to get involved in their political parties of all stripes.


At 5:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but you are dead wrong. Iggy is NOT the grass roots candidate. He is the candidate of the Good Ol' Boys club, the party establishment/Old Guard, and the cronies who are long in the tooth and who coronated Paul Martin and want to coronate the next person of their choosing (Iggy).

They are the ones who arranged for Iggy to be parachuted into a riding -- unlike the rest of the candidates who actually had to EARN their seats in govm't. (Even Rae actually earned his disastrous PM-ship).

I'm sorry, but I have to really wonder about your sense of critique and your overall knowledge if you really think Ignatieff is a "grass roots" candidate.

At 6:25 AM , Blogger Ted Betts said...

Name me one person of note from the Martin camp or one person of note from the Chretien camp other than Senator Smith (who wasn't really "Chretien camp" but did support Chretien) who was responsible for Ignatieff running for leadership.

Ignatieff leadership campaign was well underway before Denis Coderre came along.

Martin did almost everything he could to resist Ignatieff running.

Argue that he isn't a grassroots candidate (despite picking up far more support from the rank and file Liberals) if you want, but not being grassroots is not the same as being the Old Boys Club candidate. He is most certainly and clearly NOT the establishment candidate that Rae clearly is and he is no more an "establishment" candidate than Kennedy or Dion are.

At 7:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Iggy needs that 'grassroots' support to learn about Canada. Christ knows he hasn't been here for almost 40 years.

Those offers of dumping $ into riding associationsd to pay for conventions and promises of cabinet positions helped, too. Should Iggy become PM (won't happen) we'll have the biggest Cabinet in Canadian history.

At 9:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a joke, right?
Iggy and the grassroots?? That is too funny. He is the establishment candidate.

At 10:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Iggy is smart enough, listens enough and considerate enough to be anything the Canada needs.

Obviously "dm said..." doesn't really know what he/she is talking about.

Would be nice if people who really knew would comment instead of these one-side,one-thought-believe what anybody says type.

At 11:24 AM , Blogger player_hater said...

Ignatieff's leadership team has very few members of the old guard, and the majority of them have never worked on a national leadership campaign, with the exception of Senator Smith and Marc Lalonde. The point of this article is that of the front running candidates, Ignatieff has the least support from the old boys network. If Bob Rae becomes leader, it will be the same individuals calling the shots and most likely in a closed door fashion.
Dear Anybody but Iggy: The Ignatieff campaign has clearly told its supporters to "EXPECT NOTHING AFTER, IF YOU JOIN THIS CAMPAIGN". Ignatieff has clearly told his caucas supporters that you will not be guranteed a critic or cabinet post, and infact many posts will go to individuals who didn't support this campaign for the sake of party unity.
Ignatieff's grassroots support speaks for its self. He was the first choice of more than any other candiate last weekend. This was not done by the old system, where riding associations were taken over, and forms were withheld. There was no time to create such a system to begin with, and this was not the focus of this campaign. Over thirty percent of the individuals who voted last weekend supported Ignatieff. They were not strong armed or promised rewards. They choose Ignatieff because they believe he can be a great leader and defeat Harper.

At 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The "anybody but Iggy" blogger is a chicken shit - I looked up his blog. No name, no contact, no balls. So, no one should take him/her seriously. If this blog was worth anything and had any proof of anything they would make themselves known.

Canadian are "hypocrites". You complain about Ignatieff BUT don't mind giving Peter Jennings and Order of Canada - Peter Jennings? He hadn't lived in Canada for over 20 years and took American citizenship (kept his Canadian one too). Ignatieff never took out another citizenship - just retained his Canadian citizenship.

Double-standard or is celebrity more important than principle. All those Canadian comedians, actors/actresses and singers that have lived in Canada for years and years are OK to claim because of celebrity? HYPOCRITES!

At 3:03 PM , Blogger Neo Conservative said...

Libs roll out "Anybody but Iggy, the sequel".

Another former Liberal cabinet minister, Lloyd Axworthy, has crawled out from the dark, damp basement of obscurity to gorge on the flesh of a Liberal leadership candidate.

At 10:42 PM , Blogger Winnipeg Liberal said...

I have it on good authority that Ignatieff regularly dines with attendees of the Bilderberg conferences, plays golf with senior executives of the Carlyle Group and has been seen in the company of members of the Illuminati.

I look forward to the next conspiracy theory about Ignatieff, perhaps one involving an ancient race of vampires.

At 9:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hear he has some overdue library books as well.


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