Does Harper Do Anything that Isn't Trying to get him Cheap Votes?

Our current Prime Minister likes to mess with people's emotions. He simply picks simple little issues that cause people to react, and does it simply just to advance a hidden agenda. The funny thing is that he is so preoccupied with this constituency, that he fears looking moderate even though his core supporters don't really care, they just want to see him be successful. That or he is incredibly sensitive and worried that if he attends events like the Aids Conference, and gets heckled. Poor baby, takes you back to your days at North Toronto Collegiate when those progressive minded moderates teased you, or as they were called then "jocks".
If Michael Ignatieff wins the Liberal Leadership, Mr. Harper will be faced with an actual vision for the country, not one that saves 10 cents on a cup of coffee, or simply adding numbers to legislation released by the previous government. "But he lived in the U.S. for so long!" Well Mr. Harper, why don't you take a polygraph test saying that if you were offered tenure at Harvard, you wouldn't even have considered taking it. Sorry Eastern U.S. universities don't buy into your back woods U of Calgary crap, not even Yale where your hero Dubya brought academic incompetence to new levels.

Now his coalition with the separtists has backfired, as they will support him on the softwood sell out, preventing an election before the Liberals have their convention to pick a new leader. Maybe he can come up with something else before then to give him a microwave majority.

Oh yes, his supporters who love to surf these pages to pick a fight with progressive minds like myself, reminding me of the polls and the sponsorship program. Well your boy's approval ratings are at the lowest for any Prime Minister before his one year anniversary since Joe Clark, a person your boy holds nothing but disdain for. Perhaps this disdain could be his undoing.


At 4:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not to forget, while Iggy was at Harvard etc., Harper was in the midst of his one and only venture into real employment ... sort of. He worked for the Canada West Foundation ... (need I say more?)

At 7:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

About Belinda Stronach (and Brison) not saying anything - Harper had all his caucus sign "gag orders" so there goes that argument.

Yes, there is a "hidden agenda" - he can't proceed without a majority - wake up fool.

Harper can't even think on his own - he's using every trick that his "American strategist" tells him to use - the same strategy firm Bush uses (Luntz). Isn't that impressive? NOT!

Before you make accusations about Stronach, Brison or anyone else you should get your facts straight. I know it's hard when Harper is so secretive.

At 11:29 AM , Blogger Gavin Magrath said...

Wow Ontario Lad, what's with the mudslinging? You attack the argumetns as being old and tired, but where's the defence? It's obvious that harper runs a very tight ship and entirely plausible that his MP's were forced to sign confidentiality agreements (which are contracts and survive leaving the party). You should come up with a better retort than 'you can't prove that'.

Similarly, the main post was about how harper chooses divisive issues and then makes a token gesture that is clearly political vote-getting, rather than policy. Cutting a cheque to everyone with a child under 6 (regardless of their circumstances) or cutting the GST by 1% (as if anyone notices, but you can put a checkmark in the box and talk abotu how much you get done). That seems a pretty accurate attack which you copmletely ignore.

So, are there soem real substantive policies for you to defend, or are you just going to revel in the fact that for three months your guy has no opposition? It might be a greta time to be a conservative now, but 2007 will be decidedly more difficult.

At 12:22 AM , Blogger Léo Bourdon said...

"A current Party in Government that has done more in the last year than the last one that did in eight."

What a bunch of garbage. While you Tories left the government bankrupt with 42 billion dollars in deficit, we had the guts to do what was right to provide balanced budget and get the economy back together. You call spending away GST cuts and baby bonus more than fixing the mess you left in the economy?

Yeah, I suppose it's good time to be a Conservative when you win power and spend the economy away again.

At 7:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Liberals came up with a little thing called the G.S.T. rebate. Economists told them that scrapping the G.S.T. wouldn't protect the consumer. It put money directly into people's pockets.

Oh by the way where is the gurantee on wait times? Where are the increase transfer payments to the provinces? Where is the Tripe E Senate? They found out they couldn't appoint people to cabinet that way. Where is the getting rid of the gun registry? Where is ending same sex marriage? Locked up in votes they know they are going to lose. Where is ending gifts and handouts to M.P.s? Those Conservative M.P.s looked to be having a pretty good time at those hockey games sitting in corporate boxes. Ending government waste? A study to prevent government surpluses. Surpluses can be directly invested in tax cuts, spending, and they don't tax our children.

Do yourself a favour Ontario Lad, contact your local Conservative riding association and ask them how you can help out instead of surfing Liblogs trying to pick fights.

At 11:50 PM , Blogger Léo Bourdon said...

Well Ontario Lad, it seems you have a very selective memory. Let’s recapitulate:

“And before the Tories run during Trudeau's Governments between 1968 and 1983 (when the Liberals finally and thankfully left office), the federal debt increased by 900%”

Yeah, I guess 900% seems like a big number. But how do you explain the debt was only around 150 billions in 1984 and it was up to 500 billions in 1993? That’s right! Your party managed to indebt the country further in 9 years of power than Trudeau in 16 years. The same guy you accused of mismanagement was not as bad as Mulroney did in simply half of the years of power.

This also acknowledges that the Tories did nothing to reverse the trend in 9 years of power. They even made it much worst!

But hey, if you need to go back 40 years to make a lame argument, I shall talk about Bennett screwing up the economy in the ‘30s and Dief the Chief cancelling the Avro Program.

“Because you Liberals campaigned on that promise to get rid of the GST”

The GST promise is the most pathetic argument someone could ever make, especially if they are a Tory. But let me write a letter of apology:

Dear Tories,

On behalf of the Liberal Party of Canada, I wish to officially apologize for not eliminating the GST.

It’s true you introduced the GST, and we couldn’t scrap it. I guess in our defense we could say that we badly, underestimated just our bad you screw up our economy. I guess after cutting all departments by half, laying out thousands of well deserve public servants and pissing off every province because we had to cut back transfer payments, we thought eliminating your 42 billion dollars deficit and not leaving the country bankrupt a better thing to do than eliminating that ridiculous tax that cost every one a couple of cents when they get a coffee. How silly of us.

We realized we could have simply and do nothing and leave the country in a mess, and blamed you for all our troubles. But we thought we could be the bigger guy here. Sorry again. We understand that’s precisely what you did with Trudeau, but that was different. Everyone knew the economy was not down the drain in 1984.

Sorry again,

The Liberal Party of Canada

(Disclaimer: It case somebody cannot detect sarcasm, I do not have any authority to speak on behalf on the Liberal Party of Canada)

At 6:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And Ontario Lad...

You have the nerve to attack Trudeau, the only Prime Minister to have the nerve to stand up for Canada internationally and tell the Americans where to go.
I would personally pay to have him back right now and watch him tell Bush and the Cronies of Chaos what to do with their little war on freedom... I mean terror.

The only reason Harper doesn't have his head farther up Bushes butt is because the Conservatives are still trying to remove Mulroneys and Diefenbachers.


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