The 68' Leadership Race was Considered Boring at this Point Too.

When Lester Pearson stepped down as Prime Minister in December of 1967, reports were flooded with which St. Laurent Era leftover would get thumped by the regenerated Tories under Robert Standfield. As the race began to shape it looked certain that the Liberals short time in power may come to an end. Trudeau was a stuffy intelectual, Winter's a cold hearted capitalist, Hellyer a Tory in disguise (later proving to be true), Turner a cocky opportunist, Martin Sr. a has-been followed by several other fringe candidates. Even the start of the convention weekend would prove to be bore, with a fringe candidate by the name of Joe Greene delivering best speech during the candidates night. Trudeau had yet to master the art of being a charismatic orator.

This all changed the next night when Canadians were treated to the most dramatic made for T.V. spectacle to choose the next Prime Minister. A gang up against Trudeau proved to be ineffective (only two candidates went over to Trudeau and were both considered fringe at best)and a shot was sound and a new era in Canadian politics began.

Oh and the Harpocrits that have nothing better to do between their internet porn surfing, I will once again save you the typing and you can cut and paste
"Liberal are going to lose and slip behind the NDP no matter who their leader is". Cntrl C Cntrl V

One can only speculate what events may unfold in Montreal.


At 9:07 AM , Blogger S.K. said...

This just in Ig's campaign doesn't know where he is and he has no future events listed on his website. This guy is done.


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