Proposed Name Change: The Regressive Conservative Party

The Regressive Conservative Party is a term coined by Allan Fotheringham in his 1983 book "Look Ma, No Hands", and I think it is an excellent name to apply to Social Credit/Reform/Alliance/Neo Cons/Harpocrit Party of today. The name is perfect, they will now have an acronym, the RCs and finally have a name that truly applies to their way of thinking. This new name fits in so many ways.

1. Harper not attending the Aids conference. Somebody found a memo from the White House from 1985 from now Supreme Court Justice John Roberts saying that aids can still be transferred from casual contact. Makes sense now not to attend the conference.

2. Reneging on green house gas problems. The world is not fragile, and we need to allow our own people to save ten cents on a coffee, so we can't give 1.5 million to a third world nation to help them improve their emissions standards. By the way we will have to continue to destroy your ecosystems, because now that Canadians are saving ten cents on their coffee, they are going to need more of it.

3. Copying economic formulas that have proven to have failed. Why does this government think that we need to mimic everything the United States does? The way the U.S's fiscal situation goes, in about ten years Bob Geldof will host a charity concert with proceeds going to their treasury. Reganonomics and Thatcherism were pure failures, and any right wing economist would tell you that. The Bush Administration is currently applying these policies to no avail. They are still running and huge deficit, and the debt doesn't seem to be going away, plus their education system is a mess and they are showing no signs of moving forward with technology. It is time to look to Ireland, Germany, France and China, where government investments in education and infrastructure are turning them into economic power houses. The elephant is looking old and grey, and yes it could still roll over and squash us, but I would look out for the several cheetahs that are brushing past us.

4. Ending government cronyism. Appointing an unelected Senator to cabinet. Using a political convention to rip off taxpayers. Cabinet Ministers who still have financial interest in companies that pertain directly to their portfolio. M.P.s taking in hockey games in corporate boxes. Former staffers receiving $300,000 government contracts.

So as you can see this party's record in government truly deserves the name Regressive Conservative Party, and I feel at their next policy convention in which they rip off taxpayers, they bring this name change to the floor and make it official.


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