Conservative Candidates Wanted: Free Thinkers Need Not Apply
In the world of Stephen Harper you are allowed to express obscene gestures to the opposition in the house, use four letter words in committee, but if you dare critize the current government or show any form of independent thoughtl, you are thrown out into the cold. Now I am not condoning Mr. Turner's actions, but unlike Carolyn Parrish, his dismissal from the Conservative Caucas was not based on single issue, but several different issues which for the most part critized the leadership of Stephen Harper. Caucas renegades are nothing new in Canadian politics. Did Bob Rae kick Peter Kormos out of the Ontario NDP caucas when he fillibustered his own party's legislation? That was okay, but posing as a Toronto Sunshine Boy wasn't. He got kicked out of cabinet for that. Oh Bob, if you become Liberal Leader I hope you change your ways and allow the male members of your caucas to show off their pecks.
Alright, off topic, the citizens of Halton elected Mr. Turner as a Conservative Member, and they deserve to be represented by him in that fashion. Simply because he expressed his concern for some of the governments actions does not constitue his removal from the caucas. I do not know if Mr. Turner has left willingly, but it clearly shows the type of leadership Mr. Harper wants to bring to this country.
Do you suppose the Enviro bill 'leak' was traced back to his office?
Move over Iggy and BareButtBob ...
There's always room under the Big Tent for one more.
Garth for Lib leader!!!!
ooooohhhh hearhere has some insider information, sounds like. what press release from the government has supported those allegations? i watched all the news and besides seeing cons running for cover in the halls of our great parliament, all press releases so far have talked about "concerns" about confidentiality. please enlighten me with further information on this new development, hearhere.
face it, this is harper and his minions stifling free thought. same as emerson didn't come out as an independent, nor did he run in a by-election. now he's got urgent business calling from canfor and will be bowing out gracelessly at the first opportunity.
what DID emerson and harper talk about just after (or perhaps before: remember the "gaffe" on election night when Emerson mixed up which side he was actually on?
frankly, I think emerson and harper should both have been investigated for their election shenanigans. and emerson should have been held to his promise of running in a by-election after the spring sitting and before the fall sitting. guess he was counting softwood sellout in the bag before fall...
garth turner should hang in as an independent or possibly side assist in putting a Green in parliament until his by-election. that will put a monkey wrench in the works.
John Nunziata anybody?Expressed his thoughts and got turfed by Chretien.
Nunziata out right quite and then ran as an independent with with red signs.
Bad example, there are plenty of people from all stripes who that have been kicked out against their will.
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