Ignatieff Clearly the Anti-Establishment Candidate.

As my previous post stated, of the front running candidates, of the leading candidates, Michael Ignatieff has the least support from individuals who have long made the Liberal Party a closed shop to its grass root supports. The very fact that Ignatieff attracted more Liberal Party members this past weekend than any other candidate is proof that a large constituency in the party supports his leadership. This was not done by taking over riding associations one by one, promises of cabinet posts or giving people a free trip to Montreal. Michael Ignatieff has stated that he has made no promises to those who have supported him, and no people who he courted have claimed they were promised something if they declared their support, even those who haven't endorsed his campaign. The Ignatieff team is not subsidizing any of their delegates, unlike other candidates. Of the 1,000 delegates going to Montreal, they will all be going on their own dollar or their riding associations.

Furthermore, if Ignatieff is defeated, it will be by backroom maneuvering, where promises are made and deals are cut. Hopefully the delegates that initially support those candidates will be independent of their candidates decisions, and seek out what is best for the party.

If Ignatieff is elected leader it will bring forward a new era in the party's history. In the event he is defeated, the party will continue under its old ways and face more difficulty in forming a government.


At 12:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


40 members of caucus and huge establishment backing in every province but BC, Manitoba and Newfoundland?

Come on.

At 12:54 AM , Blogger Steve said...

Well, good for you for actually speaking the truth. Listen to this nice fellow above me, ooh the support of the actual people that we profess to be putting all this time in to support! Shame! If we all hate Liberal MPs so much why the hell are we voting?
As far as the real establishment as it were, this is a myth.

At 2:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno, i think i disagree.

i vote for the liberal party's principles, not necessarily its politicians

At 4:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Chretien establishment aka war-lords/Desmarai$$$$$. feel they owe big bro Rae, and now big bro Rae is cashing in. even though it is on behalf of an instant-liberal who did not have the balls to run in the last election, yeah we know the excuses.

I worked on behalf of this party too damn long to let RaeDays win

Hey RaeDays, run against Layton in the next election and try to earn your spurs.

At 5:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do we want renewal or continue with the Chretien thug control. It's as simple as that. Rae and Dion represent the old guard.

We need "new and improved"

At 6:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok this is laughable.

Senator David Smith, running Iggy's campaign along with the son of Senator Keith Davey and you say he is not the establishment candidate??!!

In Quebec, almost the entire LPCQ executive, that brought Paul Martin to power is behind Iggy.

Your comments are foolish beyond belief!

At 6:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with the guyabove.

Maybe in your riding he isn't establishment, but not across the country.

He is not as 'establishment' as Rae, but pretty DAMN close.

At 9:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Iggy people must have given you some really good Kool-Aide.

Rae and Iggy are both the ULTIMATE establishment candidates.

The other two serious candidates, Kennedy and Dion, have been shunned so far by the good-old-boys network. Sure, they have a few backroomers, but they are Gen X backroomers, unlike all of the Iggy and Rae people who think the 1960's were yesterday and fondly recall the good old days of Mike Pearson.

At 9:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just Too funny. Iggy is ALL establishment and nothing more.


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