I Have Sinned!!

Could a similar scene occur in the House of Commons when either the Prime Minister or the Minister of Foreign Affairs come clean with their leadership donors.
For those of you to young to remember, Jimmy Swaggart was a major religious right figure in the United States in the 1980's. He preached about the dangers of casual sex and denounced pornography as the devil's tool to seduce. Later on he was caught with a prostitute, completley destroying his creditabilty.

I ask Mr. Harper and Mr. MacKay to come clean with their leadership donor lists before they pass the accountability act, and supposely clean up government.

We are still waiting for Mr. Harper to come clean with his 2002 donors list in his campaign for the Canadian Alliance Leadership. Since he is currently the Prime Minister of Canada, he makes several appointments and awards several contracts. Canadians have the right to know if any of the people on that list have been awarded any of these distinctions.

As for Minister MacKay, he should come clean with whether or not his leadership debt from 2003 has been retired, and how and by who? Of course the Minister is subject to
many important decisions regarding appointments as well. Could some of these names be subject to plush appointments at Foreign Affairs.

Of course these individuals can argue that their actions did not fall under the 2003 Federal Elections Act, proposed by the then Liberal Government. Since their Accountability Act will apparently go further, they should set an example and release all the names of their donors. Of course if they are running a squeeky clean government, they should have nothing to hide.


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