Maybe Harper Could Sue the United Way

Launching a suit against a not-for-profit organizaiton is exactly what Harper is doing by lanching civil action against the Liberal Party. "But they stole Money" my Conservative cohorts will say. Well the Gomery Commission established where the money went and to who.

Harper just wants to use Canadian taxpayers money to inflict turmoil on his main threat to achieving ultimate power. He knows the Liberal Party will have to hire out legal counsel, which will further erode their resources after the Leadership Convention with an election not far away.

Like a bad guy wrestler, Harper likes to kick'em when they are down.


At 2:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

it took a crooked conservative to start the mess ..Guite and his buddy ..Brault and liberals stand by and take all this shit....excuse the language but if I was a bit younger than 80 I would stand up and yell that out in the house as loud as I could...if guite had not been grandfathered to the liberals...none of this would likely have happened...

At 8:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree -Guite was a Conservative and started out with Brian Mulroney....what luck!
He just went on doing what he was doing before, and he and his buddy helped get us where we are today. A few spoiled apples spoiled the barrel and look where it got us.


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