Blame Canada

Or simply blame Tucker Carlson.

Well the Conservative pundit has reached a new low, not only denouncing Canada, but also taking a poke at those who are mentally handicapped. His behaviour makes Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly look fit to host a film premiere for Michael Moore.

Well if there is anything that is destroying America it is the grab for ratings, and us Canadians are the same. It would send the viewing audience to sleep if CNN had Alan Greenspan on to discuss the merits of free enterprise. This is why Americans have Anne Coulter, Bill O’Reilly and Tucker Carlson. In Canada we have Ezra Levant and Tim Powers who are far from the top of the hierarchy of the parties they routinely endorse, but whenever the Canadian media needs a comment from that camp, they turn to them.

Why is this the case? This is true because it is highly likely they will say something outrageous, or controversial. So basically Canada is to blame for the “New Right” in America. We began this trend a long time ago, and the now our neighbours to the south have followed our lead by giving air time to loose cannons who came to represent a certain constituency. For years Canadians have given the podium to off beat characters. Liberal bias? Perhaps, but you can blame Canada for that as well.


At 10:15 AM , Blogger Blogger said...

I have a great link on my blog of the Cross Fire episode with Tucker Clarson that many believed convinced CNN to cancel the program. The link has been slow to connect (perhaps due to demand a their end) but I promise it is WELL worth the watch.

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