Tory Spy Paid for by the Taxpayers: This is a Corrupt Government.
Spies are a common practice. They are usually always on the "Party Payroll", not the House of Commons. That's the way the Liberals have ALWAYS done it, and I know that for a fact.
Paul Martin kept his 2004 Election Team on the party payroll six months before the election was called. He could have put them on the House of Commons, but chose not to. So if any blogging Harpocrits has proof otherwise, I would like to see it.
The only other political party that practiced such acts was Mike Harris' Progressive Conservatives, which were famous for using taxpayers money on partisan projects.
Harper is following the same formula. Use taxpayers dollars to boast your partisan interest's to the maximum, then you have your party funds left over to use on slanderous U.S style attack ads.