Since When are We Followers?

When Stephen Harper was president of the National Citizenship Coalition, he referred to Canada has second class, and a failed social experiment. Now he is trying to govern on that theory by catoring to big oil and having one of his flunkies Jim Prentice say "We will follow the American model on Climate Change". So this country must not take the lead on climate change or anything for that matter.

We certainly won't take the lead on fiscal responsibility like we once did. Also, we will not take the lead removing government corruption and cronyism, like Harper promised four years ago. Instead we will take it to new lengths and go to great strides to cover it up.

Harpocrits, gotta love'em.


At 8:08 AM , Anonymous Larry said...

You still believe in that climate change nonsense? It's dead, dead, dead. That aside, it makes no sense not to follow the U.S. unless you favour an economic unbalance with our largest trading partner.

Liberals are hardly stellar on fiscal responsibility since they are the ones who put us in debt in the first place. And corruption and cronyism? Does Adscam ring a bell? And how did all those Liberals get in the senate?

At 8:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Larry is right.

Climate Change as caused by manmade GHG is over.

Better start flogging a different horse.

At 9:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canada was the 93rd. or so nation to sign Kyoto. Was there any leadership shown then?

At 4:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi There,

Thought you might be interested to know that BP was given permission to start drilling the BC rockies JUST 3 DAYS after the Gulf disaster started.




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