Spare us Your Brown Envelopes and Non Issue Comments Harpocrits, We Deserve to Know the Truth about Schreiber-Mulroney.

When the Harpocrits first took power, any kind of criticism of them on this blog was quickly spammed with “brown envelope” comments, and taunts of prolonged years of opposition and perhaps slipping behind the NDP. When a new scandal erupted in the government, this blog was quickly spammed, “If this is your top issue, enjoy opposition for a long time”. I later found out that it wasn’t anti-Liberals surfing pro-Liberal blogs, but a thing called the “Canadian Blog Exchange” an olive branch from “Blogging Tories” encouraging their supporters to spam and insult Liberal bloggers. Now the taunts are few and far between, which leaves me wondering; A. Did this Gestapo operation shut down? or B. Harpocrits are in so much trouble now, that only the true fanatics participate in this concept?

Now the Mulroney-Schreiber incident is being hailed as a non-issue in these circles. Well $2.1 million was given to Mr. Mulroney from the taxpayers on the grounds he didn’t know Karl Schreiber. That is now false. That $2.1 million, just like the brown envelopes was taxpayers money, stolen. As far as the brown envelopes are concerned, the Harpocrits had the chance to take the Liberal Party to court on those payments in hopes of creating a sequel to Gomery and calling an election when the hearings reached a boiling point, but pulled the plug when they found out that the Conservative Party could be sued for their convention cheque swapping scandal, and the case was more iron tight. Funny, the Conservative Party’s coffers are endowed enough to pay off that debt, but won’t due to their own arrogance. Harpocrits, gotta love em!


At 11:48 AM , Blogger wilson said...

$1.2m was awarded, by the courts, to Mulroney for COSTS, because the RCMP accused/stated he received kick-backs on the Airbus file.
They couldn't prove it,
and Schreiber just stated, under oath, that the $300k was NOT for Airbus, it was for 'future services'.

The RCMP investigated Mulroney for 2 years AFTER the $300k became public.
Perhaps you curious Libs should have had Chretien pull an Ethics Committee inquisition in 2003, when the whole world new about Schreiber retaining Mulroney.

This is a costly b.s. attempt to smear PMSH, you ain't fooling anyone.


At 11:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What so many on the left convienently forget is that when all the Mulroney stuff was going on, Harper and many of the conservatives in the country publically disavowed Mulroney and his tactics and left the party. They continued to remain outside the party until, finally, the sleeze was replaced. During that time, if you recall, the Progressive Conservatives were reduced to 2 seats. Fast forward to a period when the Liberals were rife with sleeze and corruption and what occured. The Liberals kept supporting it. They kept voting for it and to this day, they still support it. Quite a difference in reaction to corruption in the party. No one is defending Mulroney's actions. However, there is a world of Liberals defending Chretien and Martin's actions over all their sleeze. Again. That is the difference between the groups.

At 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I welcome a full investigation into the Mulroney/Schrieber affair. Not for what it will do to the Conservative party but rather what it will do to the Liberal party. Why were the Liberals and Chretien so anxious to pay off Mulroney and let the whole affair die? Is it because several Liberals have Schriebers fingerprints on them?

At 12:34 PM , Blogger player_hater said...

The courts awarded Mulroney $2.1 million for court costs on a settlement with the government, not a ruling. Funny, he bought a house in Florida right when he got it. Chretien actually saved Canadians tax dollars with the settlement, because it lowered the court costs involved, since the case was against the government. The issue is that Mulroney lied during the hearings, and those lies were what the settlement was based on. Mulroney can be charged with perjury, and the 2.1 mill should be returned, and a new investigation launched. If Mulroney is found innocent he can launch another libel suit. As for STBFPMSH, he has the smallest plurality in Canadian history and only maintains power by teaming up with separatists. If he is god's gift to this country he would have called an election by now. The Schreiber deal has nothing to do with up, other than he has fumbled badly in handling the case. So Chretien and Martin are crooks. Why hasn't this government launched investigations into their doings? Conservatives are like any classic villan, they accuse the good good guys of cheating, when they are the ones who are cheating. Harpocrits, gotta love'em!

At 12:37 PM , Blogger CuriosityCat said...

Where did Schreiber's $10 million of grease-the-skids cash go?

How many brown envelopes did he hand out to Canadians in positions of influence?

Who were those Canadians?

If a case can be made, charges should be laid against all of them ... whether Liberals, Dippers, Bloc, Tories or non-partisan.

We should not tolerate those who would corrupt this wonderful experiment in democracy that is Canada.


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