Hearings and Testimony are Polling Gold, Not Reports and Conclusions.
It was a warm spring day. Canadians were about to enter into an election based on one day of testimony of individual who was trying to play the role of the victim, because he was facing criminal charges. That testimony was in the Gomery Inquiry, and thanks to Chuck Cadman and Stephen Harper (stripping Belinda of her critic post so she would leave the party and join the Liberals) we were spared of entering into an election on one persons account or a set of circumstances far more complex. The first Gomery Report then exonerated Prime Minister Martin, but that didn't stop the opposition by laying the blame completely on him.
Harper is doing everything to prevent the Mulroney-Schreiber case from coming to light because it will make him fall victim to what he has built his political career on up to this point, messing with people's emotions. He even went as far to have his mistress in the Press Gallery, Chantal Hebert say this case is not Gomery II, because Paul Martin and Stephane Dion were directly involved in the sponsorship program, and Harper was promoting western separatism when Mulroney received the alleged payments. Well Ms. Hebert, Paul Martin was vindicated by the report, and Stephane Dion was even mentioned in it.
Will the government be defeated on damaging testimony that doesn't even pertain to them, most likely not, therefore they have nothing to fear with a full public inquiry. The problem is voters have short memories, and if something is in the news, no matter how old it is, it will effect the polls, and deny majority winning conditions for the Conservatives. "Winning conditions" was also a term used to describe the separatists in Quebec when it came to calling a referendum. No wonder the Harpocrits and Bloc get along so well.
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