Tory Spy Paid for by the Taxpayers: This is a Corrupt Government.

Spies are a common practice. They are usually always on the "Party Payroll", not the House of Commons. That's the way the Liberals have ALWAYS done it, and I know that for a fact.

Paul Martin kept his 2004 Election Team on the party payroll six months before the election was called. He could have put them on the House of Commons, but chose not to. So if any blogging Harpocrits has proof otherwise, I would like to see it.

The only other political party that practiced such acts was Mike Harris' Progressive Conservatives, which were famous for using taxpayers money on partisan projects.

Harper is following the same formula. Use taxpayers dollars to boast your partisan interest's to the maximum, then you have your party funds left over to use on slanderous U.S style attack ads.


At 6:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know for a fact, eh?

Why? How? State your facts.

Because Liberal's said so? They also said all the rules were followed in adscam for 2 years.

At 8:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nice that anonymous calls you on your facts but provides none others for the actual spying that's going on right NOW with Harper.

At 8:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, he claims he knows for a fact. Let's see them.

Perhaps you both overlooked the fact Liberal's used taxpayer funds through illegal money laundering to fund their campaigns.

Let me know if you found the missing $40 million.

By the way, who was taking the video of the "spy", and who is paying his wages?

At 11:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What $40 million do you Cons keep yapping about? Was that part of the $50 million that the Liberal government sued the Tory Chuck Guite and his co-hurts to return to government coffers?

Those Torys are now in jail.

Ask your buddy Steve what he did with the money that was returned to government fro mall the lawsuits.

At 4:22 AM , Blogger WarBicycle said...

Here's proof!

At 8:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, he claims he knows for a fact. Let's see them.

"Perhaps you both overlooked the fact Liberal's used taxpayer funds through illegal money laundering to fund their campaigns." Oh no Gomery, low blow. How about the Pacific Rail Scandal, or even yet let's move to this century with "Airbus".

By the way, who was taking the video of the "spy", and who is paying his wages? " A party staffer, who the spy should have been, and this all wouldn't be a big deal.

Guess the Cons have a blank cheque with taxpayers money because of Gomery. Three names Jim Flaherty, Tony Clement and John Baird, members of one of the most corrupt provincial governments in Canadian history. Hydro One, 407, hundreds of millions of dollars sent to New York ad firms, I can go on.

At 10:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So let's try this again.

"That's the way the Liberals have ALWAYS done it, and I know that for a fact."

State your facts. I have no idea if this guy is indeed spying. He may very well be.

Regardless. You state the Liberal's have never done this and you know for a fact. Let's see the proof.

At 10:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And oh yeah. The $40 million is what both Gomery and AG Sheila Fraser say was unaccounted for in Adscam.

And the Liberal's said they accepted Gomery's findings, no?

At 10:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no Anon. I think the Chretien Liberal Party wins hands down on most corrupt, provincial or federal.

Judge Gomery:

The Commission of Inquiry found:

“a complex web of financial transactions among Public Works and Government Services Canada (PWGSC), Crown Corporations and communication agencies, involving kickbacks and illegal contributions to a political party in the context of the Sponsorship Program;”

Yep, that said ‘kickbacks’.

“clear evidence of political involvement in the administration of the Sponsorship Program”

Uh-huh, Liberal politicians were involved.

“the existence of a "culture of entitlement" among political officials and bureaucrats involved with the Sponsorship Program, including the receipt of monetary and non-monetary benefits”

Oops, that’s gotta hurt. Monetary and non-monetary benefits for Liberal political officials.

“certain agencies carrying on their payrolls individuals who were, in effect, working on Liberal Party matters”

The Liberal Party committed that most heinous of crimes in a democracy. They stole taxpayers money and used it to corrupt at least two federal elections. And all the same people are there. Once a thief, always a thief. The Liberal Party of Canada owes me as a taxpayer millions of dollars. Still.

At 10:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

gol said...
Oh no Anon. I think the Chretien Liberal Party wins hands down on most corrupt, provincial or federal. A little reading material "On the Take", an account of the Mulroney Government, makes Gomery look pretty tame.

Gomery, Gomery Gomerrie!!!!

Old Harp is looking that too good these days, time to back to the basics.

At 12:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whether you admit it or not, all the main political parties, both federal and provincial have taxpayer-funded "research bureaus" used to gather information on their opponents. This is a non-story spawned by the Liberal Research Bureau. It's not a coincidence that a party with a non-leader like Dion creates a non-story to generate a non-scandal.

The Hill Times reports these budgets of the parties:

For more, see:

At 2:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"This is a non-story spawned by the Liberal Research Bureau. It's not a coincidence that a party with a non-leader like Dion creates a non-story to generate a non-scandal."

Your accussing a blogger of promoting a "non-story". Don't make too much sense now, this is the internet.

Mr. Murray's actions are way out the realm for caucus research. He could have spent his time at his desk going over Liberal policies, which is position according House of Commons protocal entails, and nothing else.

As for the rest of you Harpocrits, yes you deserve to be in power as long as you want to do whatever you want because the Liberals "Stole Money".

At 2:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Still waiting for the facts the Liberal's never did it.

Nice anti-Harper rants. But in no way related to this blogger stating he knows for a fact the Liberal's don't do it.

Just produce your facts.

At 6:11 PM , Blogger player_hater said...

You blogging Harpocrits are pathetic. If you want proof of Liberal staffers that were paid to do campaign work all you have to is go the Elections Canada website and see how many members claimed campaign workers salaries as expenses. Funny, many of them were also their staff members on unpaid leave. Before an election the Liberals always made their staffers sign non-paid leaves.

Do yourselves a favor, stop surfing Liblogs trying to pick fights. The point of this article is to remind my fellow progressive thinkers that Harper and his gang are a bunch of corrupt phonies, and to work hard volunteering in the next election to defeat them.

Since you guys hate the Liberals so much, we don't you spend your time better by contacting your local riding associations and do the same.


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