Bains Situation Just the Tip of the Iceberg
Stephen Harper is not a statesman, and for that matter isn't even a decent human being. He hates liberals and anyone else who disagrees with him. He is a monster and the most vindictive party leader, let alone Prime Minister in Canadian history, and does not deserve a minute more in power. Let's take a look at his record over his political career.
1. Never has had a real job. Was a political staffer, then a Member of Parliament, and an unregistered right wing lobbyist for an organization that was originally formed with the mandate to end public healthcare.
2. He goes on and on about Liberal corruption, and preaches about government transparency, yet he still refuses to release his donor list from 2001-2002 when he ran for the Canadian Alliance leadership, under the weak argument "It wasn't the law at the time". Well if he is such a squeaky clean fundraiser, what does he have to hide?
3. Accused Paul Martin of supporting child pornography, because he didn't a support an opposition motion which is standard parliamentary procedure. If had to defend his voting record against government motions and bills while he was in opposition, he would have some explaining to do. We can spend all day on how he doesn't support prescription drugs for seniors.
4. Accused Paul Martin of strategic votes on the 2005 Budget along with cancer treatments of members of the opposition. I hardly think that the Liberals Whip office has all the oppositions medical charts posted in order to ensure that opposition members won't be there.
5. Recalled former Ontario Liberal M.P.P., Alvin Curling from his diplomatic posting with an e-mail through an account he hadn't checked in over two years. Curling found out when his replacement phoned him for details on the turnover.
6. When his party got caught ripping off taxpayers with their policy convention, he used taxpayers dollars to launch an investigation into the Liberal Party's convention financing.
7. His encouragement of unparliamentary behaviour in the House of Commons, which has resulted in a decorum that would make grade school class with a substitute teacher look subdued.
8. While in opposition he made personal attacks against Liberals for lavish spending on taxpayers expense and abusing the challenger jet. Since taking power his cabinet members lavish spending of taxpayers money on limos, hotels and meals has dwarfed the previous governments, and Harper himself used the Challenger Jet to arrive in time to fund raise for the Ontario Progressive Conservatives.
Of course there are a band of Harper lovers that will read this, (I don't know why, it appears only on progressive and liberal blog posting sites) taunt the Liberals about a long stay in opposition and demand an apology for the G.S.T., sponsorship program and the gun registry. Yeah, yeah yeah, so I saved you the typing and you can just cut and paste into the comments section.
Just one question for you... "8. While in opposition he made personal attacks against Liberals for lavish spending on taxpayers expense and abusing the challenger jet. Since taking power his cabinet members lavish spending of taxpayers money on limos, hotels and meals has dwarfed the previous governments"
Huh? Can we see some figures here? The only set of expence reports I've seen thus far showed that the Cabinet of the CPC were spending LESS THAN HALF of what the previous Liberal government spent! (in the same time period)
I see no end in sight of Harp-Air and LimOda, with Coolray Finley hopping on board, with her hubby.
Can Cons spell patronage? Hypocrisy?
Can Cons actually do the new math consistently?
Film at 11.
Gee, I wish I could take my kid to a hockey game gratis like Harper and a handful of minions :)
The suite life, eh? Nice.
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