The Harpocrits and Canada's Malaise.
Brian Mulroney once referred to Harper as "Ronald Regan like". Recently we have seen the ill effects of Mr. Mulroney's own personal judgement, and this comparison is no exception. First of all Ronald Regan was patriot, Harper is not, but they do love America so it may be true. Sorry Mr. Mulroney but Mr. Harper has now shown signs of another one term wonder, Jimmy Carter. In his last year before the election year, Carter made the famous malaise speech telling Americans to expect less. Now Harper is telling Canadians to do the same. We will run budget surpluses while cities crumble with crushing deficits and rising costs. Public transit upgrades are desperately needed, but we need to use that money on our Challenger jaunts and limo rides. Expect less Canadians, but you can expect we will spend more on ourselves. Well Mr. Harper, Carter's "Malaise Speech" didn't work out for him, so telling people the same won't work out for you.
ok first of all, if u look closely, reagan was an idiot hiding behind patriotism, economic policies based on the military industry, invaded grenada, for no reason, killed children in lybia, chikened out of lebanon, no I am not talking about this bush, though it sounds damn familiar...
secong, harpy is talking about the slowdown in the economy, because of his economic policies, and over the board tax breaks, based on what might happen 5 years down the road, he knows he is in trouble, people around him has told him the surplus is basically gone, and he is trying to cover his tracks by blaming some slowdown, there was a american slowdown years ago if we all remember and it did not affect us one bit, why the sudden change now? bushes economic policies destroyed all the advances america made under clinton, now we see the same here, harpy is on the way of destroying all the advances made under the liberals, lets see how long the spin will take to blame this on the liberals, but this time we have still time to kick these the opposition back where they belong,,,,in opposition...
Our anonymous friend seems to have been born "Yesterday" . . . Regan is historically seen as one of the top three presidents of the 20th century by many . . . it was amuzing watching the lefties at his funeral trying to attach themselves to his many accomplishments!!!
As for Carter . . . probably the worst of the century . . . a typical leftist biggotted whacko!!
Clinton was klinton . . . did nothing but bomb the Serbs while diddling Monica. The Clinton economy was the result of the Regan and Bush 1 years.
Regan was a brilliant man . . . he proved it when he said "the left knows so much about things that just aren't so!!
A couple of other quotes . . .
"Here’s my strategy on the Cold War: We win, they lose."
"The most terrifying words in the English language are: I'm from the government and I’m here to help."
"Of the four wars in my lifetime none came about because the U.S. was too strong."
"The taxpayer: That’s someone who works for the federal government but doesn’t take the civil service exam."
"It has been said that politics is the second oldest profession. I have learned that it bears a striking resemblance to the first. Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it."
As far as Harper and Dion . . . Dion will be remembers as the "John Turner" of the 21st century, he will never win a majority!
And by the way . . . infrastructure in cities is the business of the provinces and cities . . . not the feds.
The fact is that for decades the federal "Liberal" govt have sucked billions out of the provinces and cities, all in the name of eliminating the deficit. To tie that can to Harper today is somewhat ignorant . . . he has increased provincial and city grants to much higher levels than prior to 2 years ago.
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