Oh Conrad Black, We Never Knew You

RERUN from 2005.

With the melody of "Bye bye Birdie" ringing in my head, I decided to ctrl-c, a piece I wrote now a couple of years ago. Now that Conrad's networth will now be measured in Marlboro cigarettes, I thought it deserved a new posting

When we think of evil and wealth we generally turn to fictitious names such as C. Montgomery Burns, Ebenezer Scrooge, Gordon Gekko and J.R. Ewing. Conrad Black has proven that evil and wealth are not pure fiction.

The Dark Lord himself has made his mark by purchasing newspapers and firing three quarters of the staff, and then branding the publication as a soapbox for his own twisted views.

In truth, underneath the shield of the malevolent character lies a man who just wants to be loved. Who else would hold upscale parties in his Kensington Home in London, and host the cream of the crop of British high society, and then clamours to his advisor like an adolescent girl, wondering if everyone “liked him”.

Well public opinion of Mr. Black is very low in the land of “The Great White North”. Perhaps he could improve it by welcoming a bunch of over ambitious young people into his boardroom, verbally deride them, and then utter the words “You’re Fired!” I’d pay money to see that.


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