Oh Conrad Black, We Never Knew You

When we think of evil and wealth we generally turn to fictitious names such as C. Montgomery Burns, Ebenezer Scrooge, Gordon Gekko and J.R. Ewing, Conrad Black has proven that evil and wealth are not pure fiction.

The Dark Lord himself has made his mark by purchasing newspapers and firing three quarters of the staff, and then branding the publication as a soapbox for his twisted views.

In truth, underneath the shield of the malevolent character lies a man who just wants to be loved. Who else would hold upscale parties in his Kensington Home in London, and host the cream of the crop of British high society, and then clamours to his advisor like an adolescent girl, wondering if everyone “liked him”.

Well public opinion of Mr. Black is very low in the land of “The Great White North”. Perhaps he could improve it by welcoming a bunch of over ambitious young people into his boardroom, verbally deride them, and then utter the words “You’re Fired!” I’d pay money to see that.


There's No Whore Like an Old Whore

There’s no Whore Like an Old Whore

While chatting with a group of the journalists aboard his campaign bus in 1984, Brian Mulroney found the need to comment on Bryce Mackasey’s appointment as Canadian Ambassador to Portugal. It was then he referred to Mr. Mackasey as an “Old Whore”. The very same Mackasey was the first to console him immediately after losing the Progressive Conservative Leadership in 1976 to Joe Clark.

In Peter C. Newman’s new book, Mr. Mulroney is refers to himself as the greatest Prime Minister since John A. MacDonald. In truth, Mr. Mulroney may be the most vulgar character in Canadian political history, and utilizes crude language at Lyndon Johnson type levels.

In all fairness Mr. Mulroney did promise to clean up the patronage system that John Turner had “no option” to do so himself. He appointed a well known separatist as Ambassador to France, and shortly there after made him a senior member of his cabinet. This individual’s allegiance to Canada certainly came into question when he left Mulroney’s cabinet and went on to bigger and better things. That person, you guessed it, Mr. Lucien Bouchard.

As far as a legacy Mulroney can claim many. I am sure Shelia Martin is enjoying the closet space at 24 Sussex. The emergence of the Reform and Bloc as official parties in the House of Commons is another delightful entry into Canadian history. A Free Trade Agreement with the United States that they have seemed to forget to have signed, re: softwood lubber and BSE. Who could forget the rousing duet him and Ronald Reagan preformed at the “Shamrock Summit” of “When Irish Eyes are Smiling”.

I certainly hope his son Ben Mulroney doesn’t quit his day job as a karaoke judge and follow in his father’s footsteps.


Greetings from the Bluest of the Blue States

I have just returned from the bluest of the blue states, Massachusetts, the home of some of the greatest American Liberal Leaders of our time, John Adams, Paul Tsongas, Michael Dukakis, John Kerry, the great Tip O’Neil, and of course Senator Ted Kennedy, Senator Robert F. Kennedy, and the 35th President of the United States, John F. Kennedy.

After a seven hour drive I arrived at the Wyndham in North Billerica. Then it was off to the commuter train right into downtown Boston. The Red Sox were in town so I ventured down to Fenway Park, couldn’t find any scalpers, but did find some fans with an extra ticket, so I actually got to watch a game from baseball’s cathedral. It was amazing.
Natural grass, the “Green Monster”, and rabid baseball fans, something I hadn’t seen since the Blue Jays in their heyday.

The next day was even more special as I visited the Kennedy Museum at the University of Massachusetts. What an amazing place, and I went crazy in the gift shop and now have no shortage of Kennedy memorabilia. Next stop was the New England Aquarium, and then off to “The Bull and Finch”, now “Cheers”. As you can see I am sitting at Norm’s seat.

Day three was spent in Cape Cod at Hyannis Port. I visited the Kennedy Memorial right on the beach, and enjoyed some delicious New England Clam “Chowdar” and fried shrimp.