Begining to Look Alot Like Christmas.

Sorry Edmonton Oiler fans but the Blue and Orange was completley rejected in London North Centre last night. It was a festive atmosphere as Red and Green dominated the results that came in.
Both the NDP and the Conservatives ran negative campaigns attacking the Liberals, and the NDP went as far as to attack the Greens. Both finished very poorly and deserve the results they received.
Obviously Mr. Layton's man crush on Mr. Harper is not selling well. We all know Jack wants to bring down the Liberals to so he can be Prime Minister is some post-apoctolypic Canada.
As for Mr. Harper, take Karl Rove off your speed dial or else you will have to find your cats a new home.


Harper Poised to Become His Worst Enemy; Joe Clark.

In 1985, a young innocent man made his way to his first full-time job full of zest and optimism. Unfortunately that experience went sour quickly when that individual met a good friend of his boss, who was an arrogant, obnoxious senior minister of the government of the day. That little boy went running back to the prairies, absolutely crushed by the behavior of that big bad Ottawa Minister. He was a big bully, and that little boy was going to have his revenge. He would dedicate the next ten years to bringing down this person. He began with running against the person who first made the introduction, while his new best friend ran against that arrogant minister.

The little boy grew up. When it was time to make amends with the arrogant minister to fight the real bullies, he couldn't come to grips. Instead he waited for the arrogant Minister to retire, so he could inflict the ultimate revenge against him and his little dog.

Stephen Harper likes to be compared to John Diefenbaker. The Chief ended a Liberal dynasty with a minority government, and returned the next year with the largest plurality in Canadian history. (Only Brian Mulroney would have a larger seat count).

According to the latest polls Diefenbaker and Mulroney comparisons may not be in Mr. Harper's immediate future. Instead he could become like the same individual that he holds so much contempt for, Joe Clark. When Harper was part of the Reform Party in the lead up to the 1988 election, Joe Clark was the party's first target. So much was that true, that party leader, Preston Manning ran against him. Harper's comments about his distaste for Mr. Clark are well documented, and many people in both the Reform and P.C. parties believe the merger was delayed over Harper's personal dislike of Clark.

Well Stevie, it looks as though you could become your worst enemy. Latest polls show that you may have knocked off the Liberal dynasty, only to blow it all in a matter of months later. Dief was ridding high in the polls at this point, and you are not.


Could be a fall vote.

Unfortunatley for the Harpocrits, they have peaked in the polls. The next set of polls will be after the Liberal Convention and the blue paint brush that sweeped the U.S will most likely put the Liberals in the lead, if not in majority territory. It will most likely take until February for the Liberal numbers to level off, too long for the Harpocrits to get a microwave majority. A fall election will allow them to look to Ontario, now that they have tanked in Quebec. Too bad Ontarians with be going to the polls in October.
It could still be a spring vote. Harper's lust for power could make him roll the dice and try to go when the Liberals have no money and still are still fresh from there leadership vote. He will then try to bring up Gomery, or have something else in the news to mess with people's emotions, which is all the Harpocrits ever do.

Prediction, Jack Layton teams up with Harper to hold onto his pathetic 29 seats. This will let him think that he could still become Prime Minister in some post-apoctolyptic Canada.


Let Your Hate Flow From Within: Vote Conservative.


The sitting government has decided to take the low road in the London North Centre. Instead of posting on their website what they have accomplished in their first eight months, they simply have vague newspaper headlines made by journalists and editors that they have in their back pocket, and most of them attack the Liberals.

It gets better. They say the Liberal party is divided. Hello, it is in middle of a leadership race, one that registration begins less than 48 hours after the polls close on November 27th. It then makes fun of the Liberal candidate for not attracting a donation from Bob Rae in last year's election.

Furthermore, those squeaky clean Harpocrits got caught red handed with a staffer on paid leave from Rona Ambrose's office working on the campaign.

So let's look into my crystal ball into the next election:

"He hasn't lived in Canada for the past couple of years"

"He wants to do for Canada, what he did for Ontario"

Dianne Haskett hasn't lived in Canada for six years, and completely destroyed the city of London's finances by creating record deficits and doubling the debt. She's a two-four.

Further into my crystal ball.

"New Prime Minister opens up windows to get cat smell out of 24 Sussex"
"Harper Blames Bush for Loss"


Harper a Devil with a Crucifix.

Ah the taxing of income trusts. It seems that Mr. Harper needs to encounter the very issue that gave him the keys to 24 Sussex to begin with. Not to mention the fact that he his raising taxes, which would make him a "Liar". If those individuals who would degress with this statement, Mr. Harper called Dalton McGuinty that very same name during the 2004 Election, when Mr. McGuinty inherited "Enronesque" books from Eves-Harris and had to put through the health care premiumn. Also how convinient, that the individual who was mostly responsible for those voodoo books, now has the same job in Ottawa, Mr. Flaherty.

Of course my wonderful musings appear on a Gestapo type of page called "Canadian Blog Exchange" that lump all comments that do not show Mr. Harper in a positive light into one bundle, so his supporters can flood the page with comments defending their hero.

I am sure those comments will include that the Liberals were corrupt, and we are better off with Harper, or Liberals promised to cut the G.S.T. A little review. The cutting of the G.S.T. was never a major platform in the 1993 campaign. Furthermore the government was about to scrap the G.S.T. when a report came out that it would create a massive budget short fall, and the consumer would be gouged by the retailer and not receive any savings. The solution was the "G.S.T. Credit" that put money directly in people's pockets, instead of going to the retailer.

And of course almost identical reports told Harper to just increase the G.S.T. credit instead of cutting the tax, because it would create again "A budget short fall". They were ignored in favour of keeping the cheap carnival side show promise, and low an behold what did it create? A budget short fall.

And where is Judy Wasalewhatever with her jumping up and down on an airport runway calling the Conservatives corrupt for misleading Canadians???????????????