Liberals Lost the Moral Authority to Govern; Conservatives Never Had it in the First Place

I am quite sure that the Conservative Party received the proper information about the large percentage of rabid NFL football fans that live in the diverse urban riding of York South Weston when they used riding funds to air negative, personal and slanderous ads of then Prime Minister Paul Martin during every single television timeout around the clock during the AFC and NFC Championship games on the eve of the 2006 vote. Or did they receive information that Global Television affiliate that airs across the province to 109 ridings has exceptional Nielsen numbers in York South Weston. Well it didn't work, the Conservatives lost York South Weston despite this incredible modern demographics targeting. I would have recommended a different programming choice, perhaps a soccer match, which I know is quite popular in that area, or a more local television affiliate, CityTV at least. Maybe the add should have aired in an affiliate in Lasalle Emarde, since the individual who was solely featured in the ad was running in that riding. Several weeks earlier the same Conservatives pasted a motion that the Liberals have lost the moral authority to govern, then managed to form a government with the smallest plurality in Canadian history when a police investigation was launched against their main opposition mid campaign. How they were able to do this by spending all that money in York South Weston, a riding they lost. By forwarding all that cash into a riding they failed miserably to win begs the question, how they managed to win the election in the first place? Harpocrits gotta love'em!


Harper's Conservatives: Scum of the Earth

Three House of Commons Committees are in political stalemate because the governing party is trying hide their corruption through fililbustering. For the first time in Canadian history a warrant was issued to search one of the official party's headquarters, let alone the governing party. What happened to cleaning up government? They had to cheat to get the smallest plurality in Canadian history, even when their opposition was subject to a police investigation mid campaign. Too bad the Liberal Party didn't try to sue the RCMPs.