Harper a Sith?

It is extremely interesting that there are certain people who are comparing Belinda Stronach’s floor crossing to the conversion of Anakin Skywalker to Dark Vader, and comparing Paul Martin to Emperor Palpatine.

Clearly if you look into the entire political unfolding in “Revenge of the Sith”, clearly it mirrors Mr. Harper’s attempt to rise to power and a clear flirtation with the “Dark Side”.

Palpatine is a member of the Imperial Senate, and doing double duty as Darth Sidious who has aligned himself with the Republican separatists to continue to perpetrate war only so he can assume full power of the Republic. Strikingly similar to Harper’s alignment with the separatist Gilles Duceppe in order to topple the government and force an election. Further more Palpatine order’s separatist Leader Count Dooku death once he is no longer needed to carry out the separatist movement, look out Gilles.
During the theatre scene, Palpatine speaks of a Sith Leader who was killed by his own Sith apprentice. Ms. Stonach’s defection from the Conservative Party was prompted by a visit to Stornaway that ended with Harper stating “You will never be leader of this party,”. Harper is clearly showing signs of paranoia of being struck down from within in his lust for ultimate power, a sheer characteristic of a Sith as outlined by Master Yoda in the film.
The Sith Code: Peace is a lie, there is only passion. Through passion, I gain strength. Through strength, I gain power. Through power, I gain victory. Through victory, my chains are broken. The Force shall free me. Clearly win at all costs attitude. By forcing an election that the majority of Canadians don’t want and voting down a budget that would benefit communities and many Canadians, Harper is acting all in the name of opportunism. The Sith Code seems to be stemmed in him.


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